Thursday, 14 November 2019

poem for black friday

Amazing sales! How sweet the sound
Of checkouts is to me.
My cool I’ve lost, but bargains found -
This stuff is almost free!

‘Twas crowds that taught my heart to fear
But now I feel relieved.
(When Visa sees this lot appear
‘Twill never be believed.)

Through many flailing, fighting Sales
I have already come.
And Oxford Street is Hell – with gales.
God help me get it home!

Don’t lay your garments down there, mate;
Some nerd will nab them quick.
This dress in mauve, please – what, you’ve none?
O, don’t it make you sick!

How sweet the name Black Friday sounds
To bargain hunters' ears.
Despite the hordes and major wounds
There’s major savings here.

Shall I be carried to the skies
On flow'ry beds of ease,
While others fight to win the prize?
No way – now gangway, please!

Amazing Sales! At any cost -
To touch, to feel, to grab;
The winter’s dark, but I’m not lost -
New Year I’m in rehab.

virgin islander

The challenge was: write about a place you know almost nothing about.   She was always known as Great Aunt Laetitia in the fam...