Monday, 17 June 2019

a tale of two theories

Start with the first line of a famous book.
Guess which I chose!

IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES, IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES, it was the age of artificial intelligence, it was the age of human ignorance, it was the epoch of universal knowledge, it was the epoch of fake news, it was the season of Enlightenment, it was the season of Blind Prejudice, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had a brilliant future before us, we had death and destruction before us, we were all going to die through man-made catastrophe, we were all going to live with unlimited growth – in short, the period was so far like the Dickensian period, that some of the noisiest Politicians insisted, for good or evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
There were a queen with no power and a prime minister with no clue at the head of the United Kingdom, while he of the strange yellow hair stood ready to grab the reins of power; there was a president with too much power and no clue and strange yellow hair at the head of the United States of America. In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the Ministers of State that nothing was settled and everything was about to change.
It was the year of Our Common Era two thousand and nineteen. Existential revelations were experienced in the United Kingdom at that favoured period. Mrs May had recently failed to achieve a separation from Europe that many predicted would lead to a new Nirvana, and which others believed would lead to the the destruction of the Kingdom. One half of the People prophesied that separation was absolutely necessary to achieve prosperity; whilst the other half prophesied that it would absolutely destroy the common wealth of the Nation. And in one thing they were united: Short-Term Growth was the goal. Messages had lately come from the Politicians of Scotland that separation from Europe was such anathema that they would press for separation from the Union. Meanwhile, contrary-wise the Politicians of Northern Ireland insisted that separation from the Union was such anathema that they would press for separation from Europe, and especially from southern Ireland.
The American Nation, on the whole, was in similar ferment to her sister of the shield and trident. It rolled with exceeding smoothness down hill while continuing to worship money and spending it. Under the guidance of twenty-four hour news channels, she entertained herself with such wonders as mass shootings every twenty-four hours, mass incarcerations of its minority populations, and an economy dependant on the cruel exploitation of immigrants. One half of the People prophesied that everything would be solved by guns and hatred of minorities; whilst the other half prophesied that everything would be solved by inclusion, equality and love. And they too were united in one thing: Short-Term Growth was the goal. Meanwhile the yellow-haired one pursued a policy of erosion of the principles of fairness, justice and truth that the founding fathers and the statue of liberty stood for, and the Politicians encouraged him, all in the name of Short-Term Growth.
So the United Kingdom and the United States were Disunited as never before. But somewhere, even amongst the distracted populations of those two great Nations, and in the bedrooms of Sweden and Germany, Japan and India, it is likely enough that even as the Politicians and the news networks reached their maximum capacity for distraction and dissembling, new ideas were taking root. Amongst the young, Growth was a form of Cancer on the body of the good Earth. They saw the despoilation and the destruction for what it was; they saw the need to look ahead beyond the short term, beyond the violence and the destruction, to forge a new world, one in which all Populations, not just the people of this or that Nation, this or that Alliance, could live in harmony with Nature, sustainably.
All these things, and a thousand like them, came to pass in and close upon dear old year two thousand and nineteen. While the young in their bedrooms built a new consensus unheeded, the new Prime Minister and the President both with their strange yellow hair continued to exercise their power with a high hand, with no clue beyond the Short-Term thoughts of their next elections. Thus did the year two thousand and nineteen conduct their greatnesses, as they led the myriads of small creatures of their Nations along the destructive road that lay before them. But soon they would reach the cross-roads of a new era and the young people would be waiting there for them.

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