Sunday, 9 June 2019

hiroshima journey

Haibun -  is a Japanese form of miniature literature that combines prose with haikus
and is focused on a journey.  So I immediately thought about a recent trip to Japan

empty branches stir
the castle immovable
both dark against sky

We leave the castle park and cross the city, knowing what is to come. People dash past us, heads down, not thinking of the history, hurrying home out of the harsh wind. On the surface, a modern city like any other. Concrete canyons rise up: but once this was an ancient neighbourhood of teak and paper filled with people just starting out on that bright summer morning. Perhaps they paused, looked up, hearing a single airplane's drone. Just the streets remain from that time, rubble filled then, spotless now, product of a tidy nation: we follow them as light fades. A few more turnings, and we approach ground zero. Ahead, the A-bomb building still stands, a reproach to us all for ever.

dull winter skies –
shadows on the wall
linger all these years

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