Saturday, 5 October 2019

great day for birthdays

The theme for this non-fiction challenge:
write somehting about birthdays.
Well, it was October 3rd so (with apologies to Ogden Nash) ...

It's a great day for birthdays, is October the third
Or at least that's what I've heard.

Gore Vidal the great patrician author, I see
Was born October three.
The stand-up comedian Greg Proops, I'm convinced
Was also born on the third inst.
And we should be knowin'
That so was Clive Owen.

Not to mention enough musicians to fill a double decker
Including the twister Chubby Checker,
P P Arnold and Eddie Cochran
And many another who got us rockin'.
If you prefer someone more cocky
How about rapper ASAP Rocky?

Then there's minimalist composer Steve Reich
(Whether or not minimalism is something you like).
Ex-head of the Commonwealth Sunny Ramphal
Had his birthday on this day an' all.

They say that Hwanung founded Korea when he came from heaven
On October the third BC 2457.
The Koreans believe it and I'm sure they're sincere:
So we say Happy Birthday Korea!

OK – I admit it: to say it's a great day for birthdays was rash.
There isn't a Shakespeare or an Einstein or even an Ogden Nash.
Let's just say, to all whom it concerns,
If your birthday is on October the third, Many Happy Returns!

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virgin islander

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