Saturday, 12 October 2019

el acertijo

we were asked to produce a riddle.
See if you can guess the answer – and
how to get there.

My first is in genders that come in two kinds,
Take both and dissect them and what do you find?
Three quarters of one and a half of the other –
They both are the same from the father and mother:
And so having done that, just what do you gain?
This mini acrostic leaves evil in Spain.

My first was quite easy, I'm sure you agree.
So let's try my second: more complex, you'll see.
So, Daniel Day Lewis (2007)
Predicted a wound (it's the red stuff I reckon)
And Hugh Grant had many a nuptial heaven
When one is enough for part one of my second.
Part two is the home of a dominant widow:
Ms White, you could say, but the house is in Spain.
Part one and part two are both plays (get it, kiddo?)
Both written by whom? That's the clue you must gain.

Put my first and my second together and now
You're almost approaching the whole, I concede.
A mountainous island that's part of a province –
But even the province is not what I need.
In fact it's just one of a whole fifty-two
But what are they part of? I've already said it!
I was hoping by now that you already knew,
Because in the earlier stanzas you read it!

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virgin islander

The challenge was: write about a place you know almost nothing about.   She was always known as Great Aunt Laetitia in the fam...